Payment and refund policy

My goal with my coaching appointments is to be flexible and make sure you are satisfied with the service you receive! If you ever feel that you’re unhappy with your service, you are welcome to request a refund. Please keep in mind our following policies when doing so.

  1. Payment is due at the time of booking. I do not complete sessions without payment in full in advance.

  2. Because I run a small business I have less flexibility when issuing refunds. Refunds will be issued at my own discretion.

  3. No-Call-No-Show appointments without extenuating circumstances are eligible to reschedule but not receive a refund.

  4. Reschedules will be offered before a refund. If you’re truly unsatisfied with your service, please reach out to me and request a refund so we can discuss it. If you need to reschedule, please reach out to me and we can get something set up.

If you have any questions at any time or need to discuss payment options, discounts, or more, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me through discord! I’m committed to being open and making things work for people with strained budgets.